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I have tried the guides below for the race, but still can't make the jumps at all.

Same, which is a bit confusing. How on earth are you meant to complete it otherwise?

Actually I used another route and had a record of 17,348 against Leaf

А почему пот спавне мой персонаж без головы и при равном стоит в т-позе

my game crashes when i try to enter yuun's airship. anyway i can fix this problem? banger game btw


What if there is real women or futanari in the next update

There are real women :3


Understandable and what about futa

Sorry, there aren't.
Only boys and women (trans and not).


Welp no Futa x Male then

Very fun demo I can't wait to play the full game!
The platforming feels very nostalgic to me as someone who grew up on ps1 and ps2 3d platformers, and the characters are all so cute I can't wait to meet even more :3

Yay, glad you liked it :D

its kinda hard



Ugh.. Shinlala, is a beautifull game, i very like it, but its dificult. I couldn't pass the race meeting with the archaeologist I got frustrated. I love the world you have.

Ah sorry it's difficult.


When it comes out on Steam I will definitely buy it!

Yay! :D


Really good game, I don't play many 3d platformers but this is definitely one of my favorites I've ever played. I did encounter one bug while playing though.

My character was stuck in this animation after getting hit by the boss. I was able to do actions and platforming but he stayed in this animation. It might have been because I dashed out of getting hit. I was just trying to figure out how to recover from getting hit. It resolved itself after I platformed back up to the boss and got hit again and intentionally didn't press any buttons.

Yay, glad you liked it.
And damn, that's a weird bug. Have you tried the "respawn" button in the map menu ?


I was able to resolve it by just getting hit again, but thought I should probably report it



This game is actually just so fuckin good. I lost track of everything playing through the two available areas for I think like an hour or two. All of the controls are responsive, and I'm 99% certain there's some unmentioned physics tech, but I haven't found anything just yet. 

I'd buy this game just for the platforming. (Though the H aspect is wonderful in it's own respect, it honestly isn't necessary as a selling point.) 

That said, I do have one semi-big gripe with the game, and that's how basic the enemies are currently. 

(Obviously this is a demo and there will be more enemies, based off of your recent post, I'm just rating this off of what is currently there.)  

a couple of ideas I've had whilst playing for enemy-types.

-Armored units who can only be damaged mid-dash

-Units that are tanky, but have a weak point on their head for an instant-kill

-Units that when killed produce a slowing radius after a delay, maybe paired with a projectile-spitting unit, to encourage fast and accurate gameplay

Though if the game is meant for mainly platforming challenges as opposed to enemy based challenges, I'd still eagerly await it's release. 

I apologize if this is a bit much for a comment, I haven't had this much fun playing a game in years, and it really took me by surprise. 

Looking forward to it greatly! 

Yay, thanks for the in depth review and feedback ^^

For the enemies, I'm sorry but it will stay very basic. I mainly built the game for platforming more than combat. There will be some boss fights though, but those will be very basic.

Question: The treasure map that you get for free isn't supposed to be the same map as the one you buy, right?

You get the treasure map bag for free. It's empty.

Ah. I see I am merely a fool who did not read. I apologize. Thanks for the prompt reply. Still need to find that last crystal in town. Wish me luck. ^_^


OHh i definitely need to play through this! Love me platformer collectathons!

Jogo pra parkour, floopei

It says not install when i try to install it


Love that this is both incredibly hot, as well as, much like your other stuff, just straight-up a competent game. Reminds me an awful lot of Pseudoregalia, in that the platforming and movement feels smooth and responsive, and everything feels like a challenge of how to get from A to B as fast and flashy as possible. The cute characters are a bonus on top of this being just plain excellent, and I'm looking forward to buying this when it comes out. ^_^

Not to mention a similar setting to the Little Tail Bronx series, specifically Tail Concerto and Solatorobo.


Yay, Tail Concerto and Solatorobo are some of my favorites games ever. :D

I wanted to try myself at this kind of universe.

Yay, glad you liked it, Pseudoregalia did inspire me a lot :3

My browser is pointing the file as a virus

For some reason every time I open the game it almost instantly closes.

Any advice for how to fix it?


loving this game so far can't wait for more, just wondering are all of the H scenes that are in the game shots in the Demo?


All of them aside from the one with Yunn

I'm enjoying the game so far but I'm struggling to use the moving platforms to get to the big monster atop a certain building in order to progress through the story and when I attempt to get on the larger ones, I cannot get on them and the character won't grip it to pull themselves up. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


If you've already gotten the platforms moving again, what you have to do is wait for them to go the highest point they can, and then time a dash jump + double jump + air dash so that you land on it when it's gone lower. Hope this helps

(1 edit)

I managed to do it after figuring out how to time it, Thanks so much for the help. ❤️


This is definitely a weird request, but can you add a scene where you actually sit down and have tea with Milo? I think that would be a nice reward for players who come back to see Milo after his sex scene.


I could add more to Milo subquest yeah, I'll have to think about what to add though.


I'm not asking you to make him a fully-fledged romance option, or some similarly huge addition to the game, I'd just enjoy being able to sit down and have tea with Milo. I got a little sad when I saw that having tea with him wasn't an option, I was genuinely looking forward to it.

this game is soooooo good i wish i didnt find this till later when the full game came so i can play the full thing i would even pay $20 for this game when is fully comes out 

Yay :D


Please add a way to skip the race with Leaf. I cannot figure out what the game wants me to do or how Leaf does what he does.


if youre still struggling on the race


Did you triple jump at about 0:19? I have absolutely no idea how to do what you did and I feel like I'm missing something EXTREMELY obvious.

(1 edit) (+3)

to be fair i did something that took me a while to learn. what i did was superjump-double jump at the top of the jump- then at the top of that jump i did a stomp cancel to get that backflip for a bit of extra height, then dashed

below ive made another video which basically uses leaf's route but a tad faster, and no triple jump XD

Thanks, that worked.

(1 edit) (+2)

Shinlalala, this is just wow, wow and wow. 10/10 so far. Didn't expect such quality boost between your games. I played only 2 hours so far, completed the village and come back with two boys to the temple. Seen only main character masturbation and scene with Leaf so far.
Gameplay is GREAT, even tho the race was ready damn hard... tho, the reward worth it ;) ;)
Graphics are nice, music is great too.

Tho, would be nice to have some kind of gallery for scene. (should "illustrations" in the book work as a gallery for scene? I honestly don't know, it's empty for me so far.)


Hello, glad you liked it^^

The gallery is just other collectibles. You'll be able to collect special illustrations in the game.

Thank yoooou, will keep it in mind

Hello, sorry for asking, but does anyone know where it says the solution to the problem of controls on Android, someone told me that they had written it somewhere but I can't find where it says the solution.

hey im trying to find the scenes with the other people (the ones on the beds) are they in this build and if so how to you get them?

for the panda lookin guy, talk to him after beating the monster on the top of the tower, and he will ask you to beat it again, after beating it again talk to him then go to his house (he gives you directions). I dont think the scene with the wolf is in the game though im not sure, my best guess would be you have to get all the power crystal

Can confirm: The scene with Yunn is not in the game. If you look out of the window in the gif, you can see the sky is completely different to Sunsubira's and the Temple's. After getting all the Power Crystals and speaking to Yunn again (after beating the game) the option to have sex with him does not appear.

in another comment today shinlala said yunn's scene isnt in the demo


Josh isn't here.


(1 edit) (+2)

Damn this game is really good, the moves are smooth and accurate what make its amazing. And of course very hot scenes (^ v ^)

~Sorry, for translator english hehe

Yay, glad you liked it ^^

One issue, whenever I either go to the menu or the closet, I literally can't move my selection at all. I pressed every button but the only thing I can do is exit the closet/pause menu. I'm on controller.

Ah, that might be your mouse getting triggered. Try relaunching the game only using your gamepad. Or try to put your mouse on the side or something.

Nah, im on the android version and I REALLY love this game but it's so frustrating to get it to work sometime. There's always a process I have to follow to even be able to load my safe. All things aside, this game is amazing, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't become the next big thing yet.


I can't for the life of me figure out where the last town power crystal is or how to get to the life piece in the temple main room, but that goes to show I played this quite a bit 😅

Great demo, has a lot of potential!


Got there in the end! Random question, is it possible to replay the temple book scene? Interacting with the book or Leaf doesn't seem to do anything.


Yeah, interact with the "bed" behind the book






Have you checked the Town Hall? There's a Power Crystal that Shinlalala (quite evilly) hid on the second floor balcony. There's also a lore document up there if you speak to the NPC looking at the bookshelves.

Yay !


Honestly this game is reaaally good. The platforming is way too smooth, I completely forgot that this was an erotic game at one point. I also enjoyed the race... I played it so much times trying to find the fastest time (I'm not a speedrunner by any means, but I'd be glad if u guys told me ur time!). It's the same case with mouse gun tbh, I would've enjoyed it the same even if it wasn't an erotic game. Love it! will gladly wait for the full release :D

Yay, so glad you enjoyed it :D

For speedruns, you can join the discord, I have channels for this.


A very fun game. I had a great time playing it .and I hope you complete it

Yay, I'll do my best ^^


I'm not gay but...

I'll buy this game in full version fr.

Yay haha


this is fantastic, im assuming you were inspired by pseudoregalia for the platforming aspects and aesthetics. but i can not of the life of me find the 8th green gem in the town!! are there even 8 i feel like i looked everywhere

nvm i found it finally

Yay, glad you liked it ^^


and where do i find rocky i got no clue whre to look

how do i go past the big tower in the energy plant are




This has very nice platforming. I enoyed the level of difficulty quite a lot. Though, I am wondering how you can reach the heart piece at the temple main room.

i don't know if there's an easier way, but after trial and error i found a way. You go up the ramp on the opposite side, perch yourself right on the highest point at the top of the ramp, closest to the edge, and do a double dash jump straight across, making sure to let each dash go fully before you jump. if you get the timing down, you can snag the ledge.

thanks, it worked

How do I make a scene with a wolf that meets us at the beginning of the game?

It's not in the game yet I believe.

tried extracting the files and my PC warned me of a trojan in the ZIP file


Dude, understand this now. If you are doing something for Android, you should set this (APK). (Zip) file cannot be opened on mobile devices.


Done, check the files, the last version 0.4.3 is as .apk

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