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in future updates could you add virtual controller to mobile version? i know it's quite easy to create buttons on godot i think might have a hard time with screendrag

Sorry but no, it's not THAT easy to make controls like that, there's tons of of stuff to take into consideration.
Also I didn't make touchscreen control because it would have been a nightmare to make it work properly and be fun to play. So I sticked with mouse & keyboard or controller. Sorry.


For some reason on Android theirs a glitch where using a wireless controller makes you permanently look upwards, using the melee attack makes it look down a bit but the camera keep going up anyway

Wow, that's the first glitch like that I've heard :x
What controller are you using ?

It's just a regular ps5 controller, using Bluetooth to connect if that helps

Do you have issues with you controller on other games ?
Maybe the deadzone is too low.

I've recently tested and it seems to be just this game that has the deadzone issue

The deadzone on this game is set to 0.2

fun boomshoot

Yay :3

needs more wepons also more levles 

not here for porn here for fun game

Hehe, happy you liked it. ^^
But tbh, rn I'm working on another game haha

I liked the game! The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is freaking amazing (And I don't like shooters) and the curve of difficulty is nice apply.

Btw, I don't understand why this is a nsfw game. I can't pass from level 3, so maybe the game gets naughy after that, idk. But great game anyway!

It's mostly NSFW from the secret and ending 2. You get those by getting over a certain score per level for 100%, and then getting under 15 mins total for all 3 levels for secret.

Yay, happy you liked it, also yeah, the other commenter explained it. ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried to install this game on my phone but it wont install and it just says "app not installed", with no further information. I have tried both the 1.0 and the 1.1 versions but they both have the same issue. I wish android was at least a bit more open with the user for issues like this because I'm not sure what the problem could be. My phone is running android 10 and I have over 5 GB of free space. If those seem fine, is there anything else that I could check?


This happened to me before I got onto PC. The way I solved it was to install an external apks installer, this is because the default android app installer absolutely sucks and it gives a lot of errors with no explanation. I don't remember what the apk installer I used back in the day was called, but you can just look it up easily.

Ok thanks. I found one that seems to work, as I can install other apps with it but it's saying that Mousegun isn't compatible with my phone. I'm not sure if it's the issue but my phone, while it has an arm8 (64bit) processor, is running an arm7 (32bit) version of android. If that is the issue, then I'll have to try again later if I get a better phone.


Yes, there is very little you can do about incompatibility sadly. If the incompatibility comes from software, you can easily solve it by installing drivers, android roms, and updates. If it's hardware we're dealing with.... We're screwed... 


Wait, if that's just an architecture issue, I can make a 32bit version export, just a sec, I'll try that.


Ok, I updated the ANDROID 1.1 version to include 32bit architecture, this should work now. The file just got slightly bigger as a result.

Yeah, that fixed the issue. Only problem now is that it lags for me, so I'll have to try again later if I get a better phone. My phone was $30 new, so a lot of games and apps don't run well.

Ah yeah, if your phone is low on performance, that can happen :/


It's a common Android issue. You have to click on "read more" and then click on the tiny "install anyway".


yeah more femboysss!

the game is great, it's simple and it works perfectly (just like the old retro Doom games)  practical gameplay, good mechanics and great scenes too, of course. (also Mousegun is a cutie pie).

it's colonel!

Yay, happy you liked it. ^^

En Android solo puedo disparar, no puedo moverme


Cute little game, though only has a pinup, some lotion and dildos laying in a room, and 1 sex sequence.  Was kinda hoping to at least see maybe a bad end where those enemies needing the lotion got their hands on our brave hero

What Sector Go too find room

I think it was in 2nd somewhere.  just a little closet where some pixely dildos and a squirt bottle were on some boxes

i mean what level go to alpha or beta or gamma find room?

I don't remember

Beta sector :3

g thx i got this

Happy you liked it. ^^
Sorry for not including more sex scenes, it's just a simple game.

no worries.  Hoping for more is a compliment in a way, as it means what we have was enjoyable enough to want more.  At least I think it's a positive way to read it as.  I look forward to your next game.  I wonder what genre it will be.

Thanks ^^
My next game is a 3D platformer inspired by Mario64 but... Lewd and gay xD

ah, so will still contain a butt-pound move, gotcha.

Hahaha, exactly xD

Ah man, this game was fun to play! Incoming large text wall :P

Initially I had played it on Android (Moto G Stylus 5G, with 4GB of RAM) with a Switch Pro Controller, and it ran smoothly until I ran into large packs of enemies (similar to the HTML5 version). Although I could only get halfway into the second level on controller, the game was fun enough to try with KeyBoard/Mouse, and I got up to the boss on the HTML5 version! I didn't beat the boss, but hey, I got to see more of the game!

~ Undermined Gripes ~
I found it difficult to play with only stick controls, but that's a skill issue on my part (I usually play with stick + motion controls - thanks, Splatoon). In addition, because I was using a Switch controller, the A and B buttons were swapped in function, but it's whatever. Whenever the game got too laggy, my sword swing inputs wouldn't be picked up -- I probably could've avoided the frame drops entirely by running the game on my actual computer/better hardware, but I could manage with KBM in my Chrome browser. 
There wasn't anything that I couldn't find a workaround with, and I never ran into any major/minor bugs - it was generally a smooth experience. That being said, to anyone else who cares about it, I would mention that the NSFW content in this game is a bit lacking (there were some odds and ends placed in the levels, and the rest I assume is behind Extras), but, then again, this is a game where you need both hands to play ;)

~ The rest of this feedback is positive ~
All in all, this was a short-and-sweet game to play! I found myself using the sword to deal with most enemies, weakening tougher enemies and finishing them off with melee, or picking off ranged enemies with my shots. It was very fast and fun, and to someone who's never played Ultrakill, it kinda reminds me of that - weaving through ranged attacks, always on the move, and closing in for the health bonus. I would love to see another game like this, with more controller/touchscreen support; this was a fun way to spend two hours of my day.

Btw for anyone else reading this who's interested in downloading the game - don't worry about the "unsafe/untrusted" program warning that appears before running or installing the game. The only thing this game will cost you is your time (which isn't much) - and maybe some money, if you're down to donate (which I definitely advocate for)

Wow, thanks for the in depth review. ^^
Happy you liked the game. :3
Sorry for the lack of NSFW content, this was initially just a very simple short game, I didn't expect it to become bigger with time. x)
Maybe if I do 2.0, I'll think about adding content.
For compatibility, it's also my fault that I wanted at all cost to make run on Android AND HTML5. xD



Can't download the win ver. cuz it apparently contains a trojan


That's just a Windows warning, you can dismiss it.
That's a common issue with Windows sadly...

Hello, the issue has been resolved here :

(4 edits)

O oki, I’ll check it out, it scared me cuz now my windows defender just keep telling that I got a trojan (even it cancelled the dl)

Thanksu :3

How to play this game on mobile

You need a controller or a mouse and keyboard :


Works smoothly on a Samsung Galaxy A54. I was expecting a touch screen control, but I got an xbox controller so it's all good ^w^

Yay ^^


Holy shit, this game is just so damn great. 

Yay, happy you liked it. ^^


101 clover space beat easter eggs /100 ,quick question how to beat game to 100% ??

Yay, you have to get the target score of each level.
Check the Extra menu.


I've never worked so hard for porn in my life, and I've never been more disappointed to get 100%


Ah sorry, the porn is only just a bonus. No the purpose of the game.

No worries, I had a lot of fun playing it!

Happy you liked it. ^^


The game drifted my aim to the right and I ain't a big fan of the Yaoi/Gay imagery.

Deleted 1 year ago

This is a known issue on Firefox :
Also if you don't like gay stuff, I advice you avoid my games, there's always plenty of those.

It was on for retro FPS search results, I didn't notice what it was until the last second.

Game is solid, I'll admit that, I just don't like the undertone of it.

Fair. Happy you liked it.

(2 edits)

I did,  mechanics are solid and so is the art. Aside from my nitpick on the subtle theming and the Firefox bug, you have a solid retro shooter. You should consider making a large one to sell.


i cant play it since it doesnt seem to be compatible with an A13 

What's an A13 ?

a Samsung A13 its a android phone

It should work, there's no reason it shouldn't. Does your Android give you a warning ? If so, dismiss the warning.

(1 edit) (+2)

The game is fun but i had to play through the first level using only the sword which wasnt really that bad, because when i connected my controller and shoot it keeps shooting endlessly and it persists even after full closing the game and re opening, i deleted the game and re-downlaoded it but it didnt fix it im playing on a galaxy s21. Great so far tho just wanna be able to shoot as I please.

Yeah sorry, this is a known issue on Android, I'm currently correcting it, I'll tell you once it's fixed.

Ok, the issue have been fixed, you can try the 1.1 version.

Amazing work, the graphics are visually pleasing, SFX are good, music is a bit simple, but I like it. Map layouts were hard to understand due to similar texture work everywhere, but it was fun being lost and trying to find the way forward. The gameplay is fire. Circle strafing around enemies to avoid damage is always fun, no matter the genre, and the inclusion of melee enemies and stationary crystals made this loop even better. Dropping health on a sword kill is also really fun, as it allows to just rush into a group of enemies without any care, since all the damage you would take will be quickly healed back. The time displayed on the level in the menu always shows the fastest run, without accounting for the % completion. It would be great if there were two times - any% and 100%. 

Porno is good too, posters and the extra scene are nice, good job


Yay, thanks, happy you liked it. ^^
Yeah, the levels always keep you best score. That way you can do a quick run and an exploration run if you want.

yo thats a sick game !


Thanks :3

Anyone else get motion sickness? Its a really fun game but man does it make me dizzy

Ah sorry, maybe it's the repeating textures on the ceiling.

I was so hyped about this game since the last one, and it didn't dissapointed, I Reeeeally hope you make more games, i love them

Yay, thanks, happy you liked it ^^

Really good game! 

Thanks ^^

(1 edit)

Issue: Microsoft keeps detecting it as a virus

What version of Windows ? Maybe make an exception on your antivirus.

Hello, the issue has been resolved here :

For a short game, this was an absolute blast, I loved it! I'd love to see more like it, a Mouse Gun 2 would be great!

Yay, thanks, happy you liked it. ^^

I just tried to download this on pc and my windows antivirus just flagged it as a virus

Maybe put an exception on you antivirus.

Hello, the issue has been resolved here :

I loaded in the first level on my android phone, and they immediately started shooting without stopping. I'm using a PS5 controller. Are the adaptive triggers messing with the shooting?

I'm currently correcting this issue. There's a glitch on Android that makes the trigger buttons stucked, I'll tell you once I corrected this.

Thank you so much.


Ok, the issue have been fixed, you can try the 1.1 version.


Super fun, but when I try to download my computer stops me because it "detects a virus" and I have to play on browser otherwise very awesome!!!!

Weird, I can assure you my game is not a virus.
Happy you liked it.

Hello, the issue has been resolved here :

very good game, solid gunplay and enemies even tho it's pretty short, would love some more games like this!


Thanks, happy you liked it ^^
I'll be working on a 3D platformer next :3

So slight issue where the game is slightly moving the camera to the right at all times.

Deleted 1 year ago

Ok so, this is a common issue with Firefox. Apparently there's a drift happening with it. There are a few ways to avoid it, either you zoom on webpage, you put the game in fullscreen or just use another browser. I don't have other solution right now. Sorry.

Ah okay. Thanks for letting me know! :)

Game opens to a black screen when trying to run on windows

Can you show me a screenshot of it ?
Are you launching the exe or are you playing on browser ?
If on browser, which browser are you using ?

game stays stuck like that when launching the exe

What version of Windows is this ?
What graphic card do you have ?
Have you tried running as administrator ?

I have the same problem.
The game is still running and I can still input and hear sounds, but I can't see anything because of the black screen, same as in the screenshot.
Running Windows 10 and had the same issue with both 1.0 and 1.1, high-end RTX GPU. And running as Administrator didn't solve it.

Do you have this issue if you try the game on web browser ?

Could you send me a DM via Twitter :
Or Discord ? :


So um..

Quick question.

When will you add control to the android version?


There won't be any touchscreen controls, I explained in this post why and how :
Please use a controller or mouse and keyboard, a FPS on touchscreen sounds like a terrible idea haha.

"a FPS on touchscreen sounds like a terrible idea" 

(Cries in Call of Duty Mobile) 😭


Fun game enjoyed it

Happy you liked it ^^


You'd think you'd be able to see something nsfw if you managed to beat the final boss or anything but nope

it really doesnt make me want to go through all that again to get 100% :P

(1 edit) (+2)

Welp, sorry, the game was not made primarily for NSFW, just see this as a bonus.


Fair fair, just wish the first ending was a bit more, rewarding?? to entice you to play through the rest! either ways, its an alright game!

Thanks ^^


The angel has finally given us a new message!

By that i mean a new banger.

Hehe :3




new game hype :D


Where is the NSFW?


Gotta find it ;)


I found a few pixels of Clover :D





is there any nsfw scenes? or was the game only made to be compatible w buttplug io?

There's a few NSFW things :3

o i see :]

i thought this game would be like clover space beat with nsfw scenes everytime you win


Nah, it's a much shorter game

imma speedrun it

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