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(2 edits) (+1)

With a ps4 controller i can do every action but move on mobile. And my controller works perfectly fine in any other game (just incase anyone was gonna say that)

What android device are you using ? And how did you connect your PS4 controller ?


Shame i need a bloody controller or mouse n keyboard for this on android, i would have loved to play it. Maybe eventually ill end up getting a computer at some point in time, or find a way to download it straight to an Xbox. I've already figured out that you're able to visit porn websites, so it might be possible. I've played some of your other games though, they were great so I've got my hopes up for this'n.

Sorry, limitations ^^

finished and got all the endings in about 30ish minutes good game over all

how do you get 100%

I think it tells you, unless your talking about the individual levels in that case you gotta find all the key cards and get all the special card items or whatever they are


Yay :D


It's like Doom, but less edgy and more gay. Perfect.

On a more serious note this is incredible and feel so great to play. Only issue is that i got serious lags starting from lvl 2... I can't do the 15 minutes challenge with those. I played on Firefox, i will try on another browser.

The art is gorgeous, the game feels great. I enjoyed doing a little bit of strategy/risk with the health pack dropping in close combat. The music and sound effects are great too, same for the UI!

Haven't unlocked any of the spicy extra yet, so i can't tell anything about those. But i'm gonna come back ahah (found the... used rooms in the 2nd lvl though) (now i feel bad for killing those horny fuckers)

Just noticed that there is a .exe version, should fix the lags i guess

Was about to say xD
Happy you liked the game :3

hm, i wonder if there was a way to cheat just like in clover space beat..


You can edit the save file xD

(2 edits) (+1)

I am having a problem on android where i connected my mouse and keyboard but my screen doesn't follow my cursor and i can't shoot with left click

Huh, weird, what device are you on exactly ? And what keyboard and mouse ?


The game is good but the current Mobile support is failing, like you can't move to play your game :/


A keyboard+mouse or controller is required to play on mobile, the dev suggests a bluetooth controller

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is so good I 100%'d it

That under 15 minute bonus was surprisingly difficult


I'm bad at videogames

Yay, nice job :D

How to play on android? When i finished downloading it and skip the story and when the game play starts i can't move anything can you guys tell me how to play?


This game need a gamepad, Do you have Xbox Controller?

(3 edits) (+1)

I have a Keyboard Bluetooth, Maybe try it later.

edited: i can't play


i just want dev(s) to know i&’m doing better in life from the way sexuality and gameplay get together in these games.

that’s all~~

(1 edit)

Yay, happy to hear it :3
I'm glad you like what I do ^^


THIS is a really great project. Reminds me of old DOOM games. 

Great genre
Very interesting style
Good level design
Nice set of weapons
Good music.

There are only two minuses:
Problems with frame rate (don't look at me. The computer is fine)
And... Not enough. I have no right to say this, but this is criminally not enough.The game is too short. Now I have to go in Ultrakill. Thanks for your wonderful work!

(Господа работяги, кому лень переводить. Игра норм, ультракилл на минималках. Хентыча в игре немного. Короче, ахуенчик.)



Ah yeah, I only make this game as a side project, sorry it's too short :x

i love the game (though i couldn't finish it because i got a really bad headache after finishing the first level, msotly on my part lol)

Ah sorry for the headache, too much colors x)

By far your best work yet! Even when playing on a potato of a pc, the whole experience is so smooth and fluid all throughout. The only critique I have is that the hp drop for sword kill shouldn't be 100% for the first 2 levels (was gonna say in general. . .but Gamma is something else lmao). Speaking of Gamma, I am ABSOLUTELY charting it's song for something (osu! or Rhythia possibly), cause it goes way harder than it should (which is a good thing).

Also, how hard would it be in theory to make a custom level editor, cause part of me wants to re-create some og doom levels in this.


Yay, happy you lied it. ^^
Tried my best for the gamma sector song too.
I honestly thought about making a level maker, but it's WAY harder than I expected to do.

(1 edit)

if there was a level designer I wonder how long it would take for there to be a full recreation of myhouse.wad

(1 edit)

your work is pretty solid it would be cool if you made a secret of mana style game or link to the past game eventually.One thing that would be a change of pace is having the next game having the main character be a fem top and a masculine bottom instead I love strong guys being the sub.

Dont know if you would be into making that but I would love to see some masculine boys with your artstyle.


Hello, my next game is a platformer with Zelda elements to it.
Sorry, there's no masc bottoms in this next game.

How do I control the game on Android there is no virtual control pad

use a controller

Most people can get access to a controller including me so... Nothing I guess

wha... i see you again 🤯


Sometimes enemy's projectiles can shoot through closed doors. Besides this good game.

Oh, this might be a collision issue on the door, sorry :/

nooooooooo i refuses to conect can some one please tell my why it does this and how to fix it if i can fix it


Connect what ?

you know, that dead paper guy with the x eyes with the grey screen i want to know how to fix it

also nice profile pic

... What ?

the grey screen with a piece of paper  with a mouth and crossed out eyes that says on the bottom "failed to connect" its not in the game itself its just appier when media or stuff fails to load


I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I want to ask a question, what if I don't have a Bluetooth controller?

Author, have you ever considered being a mother mouse?

My English may be a bit incorrect, I'm sorry

I don't know if it's my phone but it gets really bad fps, loving your games so far though 


What phone do you have ?
Happy you like it ^^

Android something called a Alcatel

Me encanta el juego y es entretenido pero recibí un problema al jugar en Android, el joystick de movimiento no funcionaba, pero aparte de eso todo bien con el juego, 100/10


Amazing for your first 3d game! Also I love how satisfying the melee feels the only thing that could make this better would be parrying

Yay, happy you liked it ^^
I tried to do a parry, but that made the melee way too powerful compared to the other weapons

As if the hp drop wasn't op enough lmao, could be a cool unlock as extra bonus content (new-game-plus I guess).

im on linex thats on a laptop and the camera was moving wildly around it stoped going crazy when something fell on my trackpad but when i got to the third level and the thing fell of my trackpad i could not finseh the game. i think its trying to the trackpad as if it was a joystick also loved the bit i got to play. 


I too have a laptop with a trackpad on linux, didn't have this issue, that's a weird one. :x
Happy you liked it though

(1 edit)

im so fr when i say this is so much fun to play


Happy you liked it ^^

Neat. Love old shooter games. If you want to make it really feel like wolf3d, don't normalize movement vectors. That means running at 45 degree angles is faster. 

Hehe, could have done that, but I wanted modern controls ^^


Why this isn't a porn game, it's a game that happens to have porn in it.




That was meant to be a compliment, it's a fun game!

Beat everything in under 15 min, if your craving needs a fix~


Nice lil game, i liked it. It’s funny how a porn game lets me quickswap guns to shoot even faster.


Haha, happy you liked it ^^


The gameplay is awsome BUT the game feels like its not even NSFW. Which is sad

Yeah sorry, it's a very short simple game.


Not every android user has a controller or keyboard that can connect to it, why would you assume that?


Would you prefer I delete the andoid version ?
I explained why I didn't put touchscreen controls, I'll stop answering comments regarding this because it gets tiresome....

Maybe I'll just give up on Android all together at this point tbh.

(1 edit) (-3)

Honestly, unless many people have been chiming in saying they have played it with bougie android peripherals, it seems like too narrow a niche to be worth it. : /

For what it's worth, I have played a couple FPS's made for android with touchscreen controls, so it's not impossible. ...Still prolly not worth the time to try and port an existing game that way, since it'd affect how much of the screen could be visible, but generally speaking, it's a real concept.

NGL, the concept of getting a special keyboard or controller to hook up to an android is bizarre to me. If you have money for silly peripherals, you probably have a decent computer you could hook that shit up to and play games on a proper-sized screen for them.

android "porting" is extremely easy in godot. It's not even a port, it's literally just an export. Setting up the android version takes a grand total of like 5 minutes.


...they did do that export. it requires peripherals that very few people have, because rigging up touchscreen controls for a fps that wasn't designed for it would take a bit longer than 5 minutes

that's what people are complaining about


And other people do have a controller connected via bluetooth.
End of story.


I'm on  Android version and it doesn't have any button on the screen hope this one get fix I'm really want to play this game ;-;



This game still unplayable in mobile :(


I loved it and would like more of this. I ended up just using melee for nearly all enemies

Yay, I made the melee very powerful. :3

there is a weird glitch where I can only move backwards and I stop moving pressing w, could this bug be fixed please.

Are you playing on browser ? If that's the case, it's a known issue, sadly HTML5 is not the best for 3D games. I recommend you play the Windows, Linux or Android versions instead.


i hope your games can add more and more porn,haha,

love it.

i cant wait for next game

Yay ^^

i love this game ,someting about design is so nice just like, easy but challenging, and it's reminds me DOOM,

if you can imporve the map system that will be fine,such as make the room which undetected or detected have different color to distinguish them,

it's very helpful to let people get the 100% score to check ending 2

Hello, happy you liked it. Honestly, I made the map system with a quick end of dev fix. Making rooms isn't "possible" with this system, I'd have to redo the whole map system entirely, and this would take a while.

Came for the porn.

Stayed for the gameplay.

Yay haha

Sequel? Or all game which you made Interconnected?

(1 edit)

couldnt beat the time trials so I couldnt see the bonus if its anything worth it I wouldnt know, share it with me privately privately if anyone cares

same here!

What level do you struggle at ?

the bloody last one, its really hard to speed through cause enemies

Use the sword and rush past enemies

Just having to 100% the game's requirements and stuff, i dont have the time to git gud >w<

Heyo, so i do wanna ask if you could possibly update the android download to have some controls? I broke my PC, and for some reason the Mobile one doesn't have any controls. Could ya please add some?

this would look awesome in VR ngl

I don't have the skills to make a vr game haha

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