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this would look awesome in VR ngl

I don't have the skills to make a vr game haha

How can you move on mobile no buttons appeared

and how can I connect my Xbox controller if there is no in-between 


The difficulty was just right and the levels were really fun ^w^

Yay, happy you liked it ^^

I love this game, played it to completion with my computer.  However I can't play it on my phone, I have controllers but I can't use them properly,  every button works except the left joystick and the directional pad I could do everything but walk

(1 edit)

Happy you liked it ^^
What controller are you using ?
Did you make sure it's on DInput ?

(2 edits)

it's some controller that I got from Amazon.  It can switch between Switch controller and Xbox controller.  But I had never heard of Dinput and Xinput but now I know and will try it to see If it works.  Thank you for enlightening me.  Keep being awesome and making great games.  (Whether I use D or X it only sometimes works)

This game is awesome, the controls are so tight. Felt good zipping around exploding robots with the sword while vibing to the kickass music. ^^


Yay, happy you liked it ^^

ok i got i

(1 edit)

i want to try and get the second ending but the game seems to lag horribly if i try to ignore all the enemies. yes i have downloaded it

I think this is my favorite game made by you yet.

Yay ^^

Sorry i can't find the joystick on android unu

This looks interesting but wish you could move on android or something

Completed a playthrough with meelee only, imo the meelee is too op. Also you can hit the boss thru wall 


(1 edit) (+2)
Leaving this here for now. I'm gonna write an actually review for this one because I quite enjoyed my time. But that'll be later because holy shit I'm so tired rn



Lots and lots of grinding. I'll probably post clips of some of my runs later if you're interested

Damn GG for the sub 3:20 ! 

Thanks man. Although if I’m being honest sub 3:15 might be possible, but it requires a serious amount of luck on gamma sector

So about that... 


Hey, I made a leaderboard on the Discord server. You're currently the Number 1. ^^
If you wanna join : Here

Thank you so much for the invitation! I went ahead joined so might see me around there from time to time 


new game drop? exciting!

I cooked a bit too hard 

super cool game btw, would play again

Yay, good job :O
That's some nice score ^^

Would love to play the game though launching either windows version resutls in a black window. There is sound but its still unplayable for me.

Hello, this issue have been resolved here :

I've installed the vulkan driver and im still facing the same issue. Any ideas on what else i can do?

Damn, then I honestly have no idea :/


I love the gay mouse games 10/10


yay ^^

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks for uploading the OST mate. keep up the good work. :D

Also for maybe a 1.3 update, have in the extras standalones of the posters you find in the game

Thanks, I'll think about it ^^

(5 edits)

tmi i also had some thoughts about the lewds presentation in this game while playing - because i went in wet you know.

but this is nice too; i approve of not just having downloaded a stash of porn to discard and never replay - this instead is the opposite. i can replay and i can grow more sentient about my horny, while still obviously being like. in a steamy and clingy mood while playing.

not to write a thousand word essay about lewd posters in a DOOM clone- just to say the way i come to engage with your lewd games gets me into a better mindset about my sexuality than before i went to typed “furry twink cum” in my searchbar, you know? specifically my headspace gets in a sounder idk culture? than when finding like tmi a random flash game on Newgrounds when i’m horny (historical anecdote.) idk if this makes sense but i like oversharing and specifying /positive appreciative

edit: attempt at grammer, but i gave up =^)

Happy you enjoy that :3
Next game gonna be similar regarding NSFW, but it's gonna have way way more lewd stuff hihi


BY THE WAY are you okay with getting your levels mapped into sourceports of the id tech 1 engine? UDMF¹ — i’m asking because i wanna practice and support you at the same time =3

[1] Universal Doom Map Format

for anymany’s interest i’m learning SLADE (map editor - designs the game), to use with GZDoom (open source game engine - plays the actual game) aaand this way i don’t need to program while also getting DOOM’s degree of compatibility to share anything i make hehee

final note: if you doubt this engine i dare you, dear reader, to watch gameplay footage of HEDON I & II here on

okay this post is getting long because i got excite!

i’ll just link to more gems from GZDoom (some are 1:1, then at some point long-running projects tend to modify the engine to use stand-alone engines. because you can do that with this small of an engine!) · list of ones /not/ published on steam · list of ones published on steam

P.S there’s also networking services up and running, similar to GameSpy but open source. idk much about it so nobody ask me abt that yet ¦X · DoomSeeker · DoomExplorer

okay infodump over. gosh i love exiting the mainstream.

Sure, if you want ^^

phenomenal gameplay

Yay ^^

(4 edits)

I love the game so far it reminds me of DOOM but well I think I managed to get the time down but I haven't gotten to 100% I'm still at 66% I know killing enemies and collecting the floppy disks gives score but how much do I need for each level? I feel stuck can I have help please? Okay I managed to get ending 2 but the bonus time is hard I'm guessing I'd have to go on a fresh save to get that one and try to beat the game fast as I can? mission 1 I got 4:00 mission 2 7:08 mission 3 is 7:21 well I got it but thanks anyway. Sorry if I didn't figure it out at first I'm not one to speed run much in games such as Metroid. Kinda wish I could get the music used it's nice.

I'll make a zip with the full OST soon. ^^
For the 100%, see on the mission menu, the number after the arrow is the target score to reach on each level.

(1 edit)

Thanks this game was short but I like it as I have played DOOM 2 since I was maybe 10 or so. I have to admit getting the target time was hard I did use cheat engine to slow the game but that's all I ever use it for to give me more time to process what's going on and even then I still had to clear the map on time. I admit I'd like to see more of the universe Clover MIller and Mousegun live in being in a world where everyone lives by the beat of music sounds kinda neat. Since I'm thinking on it Shinlalala do the mice of Drumstar have fur or not it's hard to tell?

Huuuuuh, it's skin tbh xD
Happy you like the universe. I surely plan to make more stuff in this. ^^

(1 edit)

Okay thanks for telling me it's just I wondered on it as Dr Deadbeat was all gray so I wondered if it was fur or skin. Thanks for putting the ost out I just noticed it and good luck on future projects. If I have other questions I'll ask

the power of the gameplay i have with Ultrakill

Yay :3


Hello game developer I hope you have a great day i am here to report a bug in Android version in which I cannot move entirely as there is no joystick . Hope you fix this soon 

Please read the Android section :

Pretty nice little game that reminds me of the early shooter games. The NSFW feels more like a little cherry on top instead of the main focus, which is quite nice. Also the thought of a little rat lad fighting robots with a sword is very appealing!

Yay, happy you liked it :3

I didn't tested the game but I love that this type of mouses art ❤️

Happy you like my art ^^

im gone be fully honist, this game was fun too play, without the nsfw part, that part was just abit of a cherry on top


Yay, happy you liked it ^^

Lo vamos a probar se ve bueno

Guys I need some help. I don't know why the screen turned black without displaying anything when I ran the game. I've tried playing the web version and it was fine

Could you send me a DM via Twitter :
Or Discord ? :

(1 edit) (+1)

Aim keeps drifting to the right without input at least when playing the web version


here are the solutions :

this looks like a ultimate retro sex game

Hehe :3

the characters speed is way too fast and aim is very hard cuz its toooooo smooth


the game seems neat from the screenshots and such, but i've noticed a bit of an issue on the apk/android version, for some reason theres no mobile controls or anything so when i start the first mission i just, cant move or shoot or do anything, causing the game to be unplayable, could you possibly fix that?

Please read the Android section :

awh, that kinda stinks, understandable though

Hello! Why is it that the aim keeps slowly panning to the right even if I'm not touching anything? 

Here are the solutions :



can't control

I got it


I REEEEEAAAALLLLLYYYYY love the game i just spent the past 2 hours completing it (i struggled with the 100% completion) but i have no real issues other than one and that would be the lack on NSFW... and just a thought but maybe after doing all of the extra's maybe have the option to see mouse gun get fucked by all of the enemies??? just a thought  that i had but anyways thank you for making this game it was magnificent

Yay, happy you liked the game.
Having Mousegun getting fucked by robots. xD
To be quite honest, I didn't want to spend too long making this game haha. But that's a fun idea.

i should draw fanart of that others should too

Nice game. Nice Artstyle. Nice Soundtrack. Nice Gameplay. I like all these small gimmicks like the but wait is this game a METAL GEAR Reference?!?

Colonel, I infiltrated the Alpha sector !

Happy you liked the game ^^


great game except the severe lack of shotgun ammo and way too many ammo pick ups in general


Happy you liked the game. ^^
Shotgun is the most powerful weapon, I made it so you don't always have ammo for it, making you have to juggle with the other weapons :3


I've played Clover's space beat before, so the moment i saw familiar style on my populars page i knew it's gonna be good. Definitely recommend to play it, if you like these kind of arcade, doom-shoter styled games

also, i was bored so made this edit, check it out if you want


Wow, nice job :O
You should try version 1.2 for speedruns, the shotgun is stronger. :3
But happy you liked the game ^^


Great game honestly. I was not expecting something like this at all. The bonus scenes were definitely worth doing the game under 15 min. 10/10


Yay, happy you liked it ^^

its a good game though i have two complaints, first the pistol feels a little too weak period, and second if you have the shotgun and press 3 you just skip the shotgun reload entirely it kinda break the balance of the game. Other than that its a great game

Happy you liked it ^^
Ah yeah, I forgot to fix that x)


I’m a sucker for games that follow the design of Wolf3D. This does have a few of map nitpicks that I think relate to readability, since you need to rely on reading the layout of the room instead of what the room looks like. I could see this having a larger variety of ceilings, walls, and floors. On top of that, maybe tint the windows a bit.

Oh and Mousegun’s real fuckin’ cute. 10/10 – Collyn


Yay, happy you liked it ^^
Yeah, I did very few assets for this game, I'll try to make more for my next game :3


map should totally be on tab key, it’s stupid to have it bound to M.

also, just delete the pistol, it’s absurdly innecessary and wastes the possibility to have actually usable ammo pickups. the pistol is just objectively worse than melee, it’s too slow to be worth aiming.

also, get occlussion culling, godot has it, it will massively improve performance.


M because classic Doom, it's just a reflex.
The gun is in case you don't have anymore ammo and it's accurate if you wanna shoot from far away.
I didn't do occlusion culling because my levels are built with the gridmap node which doesn't support occlusion culling. Also this is not the reasons of the frame drops. The frame drops are caused by the collisions shapes of the characterbodies of the enemies.


The gun is in case you don’t have anymore ammo it’s worse than punching in most scenarios, it really is just there cluttering, if it were a bit faster might make sense to use, but the firerate is just unbearable

The frame drops are caused by the collisions shapes of the characterbodies of the enemies. i know for a fact this is not true, the game’s performance is really improved in some scenarios by just looking towards empty space.


Listen, I don't think I need you to teach me how to make games.
The frame drops when you look at full space because there's plenty of enemies, this is not the level geometry causing this. Bother someone else, thanks.


I choose to disagree. There’s merit to a starting pistol.


The pistol is there if you run out of ammo and have low health

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